Kenneth Fischer

Contact Info
Biography —
From a family of four boys and competitive spirit and strong work ethic.
Live on waterfront lake property and enjoy swimming, kayaking, tubing and slalom skiing with my four children
Other interests:
Committed Christian dedicated to serving God and studying his Word. Play acoustic guitar and a little bass for church praise band.
Education —
Ph.D. Thesis: Correspondence Between Bone Density Distributions and Mechanical Loading (1994), Advisor: Dennis Carter
Advisor: Dennis Carter
Advisor: Dwight Bushnell
Research —
Orthopedic Biomechanics, Rehabiliation Design and Research, Paleontolgy
Teaching —
University of Kansas (2018 - present) - Director of Bioengineering
University of Kansas (2015 - present) - Full Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Orthopedic Surgery, and Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Kansas (2006 - 2015) - Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Orthopedic Surgery, and Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Kansas (2000 - 2006) - Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Orthopedic Surgery, and Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Pittsburgh (1995 - 2000) - Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Bioengineering, Director of Upper Extremity Research in the Musculoskeletal Research Center