
Nolan Norton
Doctoral Dissertation: A Clearer Picture of Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Knee and Thumb Through the Lens of Image-Based Finite Element Analysis
Master's Thesis: Radiographic Imaging and Finite Element Modeling Methods for Analysis of the Basilar Thumb Joint

Lance Frazer
Doctoral Dissertation: Subchondral Bone Cysts – How We’re Filling the Void
Master's Thesis: Stresses Associated with Subchondral Bone Cysts – A Finite Element Analysis on an Extended Stifle Joint

Ryan Downing
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Joshua Johnson
Doctoral Dissertation: Effects of Surgical Repair or Reconstruction on Radiocarpal Mechanics from Wrists with Scapholunate Ligament Injury

Kirk Wu
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Eric Tobaben
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Michael Humphrey
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Matthew Varre
Masters Thesis: In vivo Contact Mechanics of the Distal Radioulnar Joint with or without Scapholunate Injury

Mahender Mandala
Masters Thesis: Evaluating the Effect of Pattern of Inflation and Deflation and Cycle Time on the Pressure Relieving Characteristic of a Dynamic Seat Cushion Using Seat Interface Pressure Measurements

Madhan Kallem
Masters Thesis: Capitate Joint Mechanics with Scapholunate Dissociation

Dannica Sturgeon
Masters Thesis: MRI T2 Relaxation Time Evaluatioj of Wrist Cartilage with Scapholunate Ligament Injury in the Pre-Operative and Post-Operative State

Alex Waller
Masters Thesis: Improved 9.4T MRI-Based Modeling Validation

Bhaskar Thoomukuntla
Masters Thesis: Validation of MRI-Based Joint Models

Agnes Remond
Masters Thesis: Rigid-Body Spring Model of the Forearm
Experimental Forearm Biomechanics

Max Bona
Doctoral Dissertation: Joint Load Estimation in Extinct Animals

Ravi Pillai
Masters Thesis: Feasibilty of MRI-based modeling with human subjects data